A Love Betrayed is a cinematic Thai-language drama produced jointly by CBN Siam and YWAM Thailand. The 60-minute film premiered in the fall of 2017. A Love Betrayed tells the story of five friends who come face to face with the ugly life-and-death realities of human tra'fficking. But while the characters are fictional, the events depicted in the film are based on true stories—in Southeast Asia as well as many other regions around the world.
Our purpose in producing A Love Betrayed is:
"To see communities fulfilling God's purpose for their lives - aware, restored, empowered & free"
Our specific focus is the family, especially the significance of Christ-centered families who truly love one another and who share the good news of Jesus in their communities. Our desire and prayer is that A Love Betrayed will demonstrate God’s heart for the world and bring hope and new life into an area of great darkness.
We have created the film to stand alone and hope to broadcast it on television and the internet, and distribute it widely via DVD. But we also have an additional component that we offer to Thai churches: a one-day video-based seminar that will serve as both an awareness tool to shed light on the issues of injustice for at-risk communities and individuals, as well as an encouragement to Christian families to live out their faith and biblical values inside the home and in their communities.
Our objectives are right in line with Thailand’s national plan for evangelism—to see the love and light of Jesus in every home throughout the nation. As Christian families reflect God’s love and then share that love with their non-believing neighbors, injustice will lose its power to flourish.
The one-day A Love Betrayed seminar for Thai churches will include a viewing of the film, short messages by Thai Christian leaders, and interactive learning experiences that will help your congregation understand the issues and apply the principles that are near God’s heart. Topics covered in the seminar are based on the values highlighted in the film:
Here is what the one-day (6-7 hour) seminar will look like:
YOU can be part of stopping this global injustice AND reach the world with the Good News of Jesus!
"Perfect love casts out all fear"
1 John 4:18
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